For the Members... By the Members
Tuesday, March 11th at
6:00 pm ET /7:00 pm AT/7:30 pm NT
Zoom link: Find in District Calendar
Thursday, April 8th at
6:00 pm ET /7:00 pm AT/7:30 pm NT
Zoom link: Find in District Calendar
Every Sunday at
7:30 PM ET / 8:30 PM AT / 9:00 PM NT
Zoom link: Find in District Calendar
Monthly Peer Calls
Club Presidents
3rd Thursday of each month at 6 pm Eastern / 7 pm Atlantic / 7:30 pm Newfoundland
Zoom link found on our District 45 Calendar
Club Vice Presidents of Education
2nd Thursday of each month at 7 pm Eastern / 8 pm Atlantic / 8:30 pm Newfoundland
Zoom link found on our District 45 Calendar
Club Vice Presidents of Membership
3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm Eastern / 8 pm Atlantic / 8:30 pm Newfoundland
Zoom link found on our District 45 Calendar
Club Vice Presidents of Public Relations
Alternating between 4th Monday / 4th Tuesday each month at 7 pm Eastern / 8 pm Atlantic / 8:30 pm Newfoundland
Zoom link found on our District 45 Calendar
New Member Calls
3rd Thursday of each month at 7 pm Eastern / 8 pm Atlantic / 8:30 pm Newfoundland
Zoom link found on our District 45 Calendar
Carol Niles
Blueberry Hill Toastmasters Club
This is Carol's first time being an Area Director for Division B. Even though it seemed hard for her to understand, she was the first Area Director in Division B to submit her area reports. She has attended every Division Council meeting as well.
- Patricia Saucier, DTM
Nat MacLeod
Spotlight Toastmasters Club
Nat joined Toastmasters in November 2023, and the Spotlight Toastmasters club in September 2024. Spotlight Toastmasters Club presents a 3-person panel evaluation for each speaker; with one Toastmaster evaluating on Content, one on Delivery and the third member on Language. Nat stepped up and signed up for a panel evaluator role for the first time at Spotlight's November 27th meeting. Nat rocked their evaluation on the delivery portion of the speech, showing they were really listening, providing positive feedback and a point to grow for the speaker. Well done Nat!
- Anne Doucette, DTM
Iva Roger de Coverley
Toast of the Valley Toastmasters Club
One of the longest standing members of the Toast of the Valley Club, Iva Roger de Coverley passed over the holidays. She was a kind and gentle soul, always helpful, and truly worked hard to make all the people in her club feel appreciated. I was notified of her passing by her Club President and I know that the club and the many, many people who interacted with her in meetings, club contests, and on a personal level feel her loss. As her Area Director, I especially feel her loss because she was a welcoming force for guests and was working hard to bring her club back from the previous year's loss of members. Although the award will have to be posthumously given, I feel we need to let her family and her fellow club members know her efforts were noticed and appreciated by everyone around her.
- David Dougher
Maureen McIntosh, DTM
Speech Afire Advanced Toastmasters Club
Looking for a way to complete an advanced Level project and thus complete a Path, Maureen sought ideas from other members. She took one little germ of an idea and created a project that will benefit the club all year! Maureen and her committee came up with a promotion plan which will also create variety in our meetings and expose others to the benefits of this advanced club.
- Sheryl Poirier, DTM, PDD
Paul Coddington, DTM
Spotlight Toastmasters Club
Paul is our VPE this year and is committed to sharing our gift. Paul recently assisted organzing an open house and has volunteered to lead another one in January. He is leading by example for our members, having completed 4 levels in Pathways so far this year. Paul loves our panel evaluation format and is committed to helping our members and club be successful this year!
- Crystal Cobb, DTM, PDD
Maria Winn, DTM
2211 Toastmasters Club
Maria is a leader! She constantly leads by example and encourages others to become better Toastmasters. She has been and continues to mentor the club leaders in his home club, but now she's making a positive impact in D45 by mentoring club coaches as the chair of that critical program (Club Coach Chair). Maria Winn is awesome!
- Tom Macisso, DTM
Christopher Hannon
Greater Portland Toastmasters Club
Christopher Hannon has "hit the ground running" in his short time as a member of D45. Although a toastmaster for less than a year, he won the 2024 D45 Humorous Speech Contest! In addition, he identified a need and created a plan to gain 10-30% more members age 18-30. The 10 x 30 Initiative! Christopher is a leader!
- Tom Macisso, DTM
Peggy Seymour, DTM
The Maine Thing Advanced Toastmasters Club
I first met Peggy in the summer of 2019 when she walked into a Kennebec Valley Toastmasters meeting while visiting from New Jersey. We shared with her our plans for an advanced club, and she was immediately on board! Right from the start, we knew Peggy was someone special—'good people' as we like to say. She became a charter member of The Maine Thing and has remained a dedicated, active participant ever since. Even though she lives in New Jersey, that hasn’t stopped her from being an essential part of our club—both as a friend and a leader. Just recently, Peggy and another "Jersey girl" drove 400 miles one way to attend the Division B TLI. That, my fellow Toastmasters, is true dedication! Peggy has become a mainstay of The Maine Thing (see what I did there?), and she exemplifies leadership, commitment, and friendship. She is, without a doubt, a Trail Blazer!
- Dawna-Jean Turchon, DTM
Dawna-Jean Turchon, DTM
Kennebec Valley Toastmasters Club
DJ is a "force of nature" for Toastmasters! She leads and mentors in a way that "hits home" to many D45 members. In addition, she "practices what she preaches" and has completed all 11 paths that were previously available. DJ is a true force multiplier!
- Tom Macisso, DTM
Dawna-Jean is my mentor. She has taught me how to get better with my communication and computer skills. As someone with a learning disability, it's hard to understand certain things. She helps me not only to understand but also to step out of my comfort zone. I would not be as successful as a Toastmaster if it was not for her.
- Patricia Saucier, DTM
Anne Doucette, DTM
Riverview Canusa Toastmasters Club & Spotlight Toastmasters Club
Anne consistently works the Pathways program and is dedicated to her own learning and that of her fellow members. Anne recently completed her second DTM and is close to finishing her tenth path. In Riverview Canusa, she is our VPE and provides members with edcuational presentations to help members learn and grow. In Spotlight, Anne is our VPPR and works to share our club successes and attract guests. She says yes when called upon to take leadership roles and volunteers outside of the club regularly. We are so lucky to have Anne as part of our clubs and also the District. Anne recently delivered a presentation at Division C TLI - the Pathways new LMS platform. Way to go Anne!!
- Crystal Cobb, DTM PDD
Paula Tozer
Riverside Toastmasters Club
Paula Tozer is an inspiration to each and every member, her enthusiasm is inspiring and brings in new guests that she converts into new members.
- Marion Taylor, DTM
Sheryl Poirier, DTM, PDD
Riverview Canusa Toastmasters Club Coach
Sheryl is working closely with our club executive and members to help us grow. She shows up with a smile on her face and bring energy to every meeting. She is honest with her feedback and celebrates our successes. Sheryl is committed to helping others and in her role of club coach, that shines bright. We are thankful for her commitment to helping us achieve success and for sharing her knowledge and suggestions for improvement.
- Crystal Cobb, DTM PDD
Lesley Carter
Dartmouth TIC Talkers Toastmasters Club
Lesley is a Canva/tech genius and generously gives of her time and talent creating promotional graphics for all the district educational webinars. As VPPR for our club, TIC Talkers she also created interesting and engaging content regularly for our club members and for promotion. Lesley graciously shares her talents at the club and district level and I am grateful for her support! She is a trail blazer!
- Jenny Theriault
Albert Cormier
Spirit Ed Toastmasters Club
Albert Cormier goes the extra mile for Toastmasters. He always says "yes" and is willing to help - fill a meeting role, give advice, provide an evaluation, help the district, present an educational webinar and more! Already this Toastmaster year he has filled meeting roles at two of the clubs I attend. He also presented an educational webinar for the district on tools for beating your jitters when public speaking (excellent tips!) and is presenting another webinar in December. He is working on his DTM and often volunteers for roles within the district. I love the energy and enthusiasm he beings to any meeting and event. Albert is a trail blazer and I am grateful for him!
- Jenny Theriault
Claudia Hitchcock
Civil Speakers Toastmasters Club
Claudia’s dedication as VP Membership has been an incredible asset to Civil Speakers, playing a vital role in achieving Presidents Distinguished status for two consecutive years. Her thought-provoking speeches and steadfast support inspire us all. Claudia, your presence is a true strength for our club, and we deeply appreciate everything you do!
- Veerendranath Nagalla
Danilo Buchner
Riverview Canusa Toastmasters Club
Danilo Buchner first joined Toastmasters September 2022. He embraced his journey within Toastmasters right from the very beginning, signing up for meeting roles, taking on club officer roles and working the Pathways program. Danilo played an important role in helping the club gain new members in the past year. He is always willing to lead events and to help others. Danilo is a great assess to the Riverview Canusa Toastmasters Club.
- Anne Doucette, DTM
Veerendra Nagalla
Civil Speakers Toastmasters Club
He has been a great mentor on my journey to improving my public speaking and leadership skills
- Ebele Mogbolu
Veeru has embraced his role as District 45 Speechcraft Chair. He understands the value of this program, how it helps people who are not yet Toastmasters become better speakers and how the Speechcraft program can lead to potential new members.
- Sharon Joseph, DTM, DD
Olivette Aviso, DTM, PDD
The Maine Thing Advanced Toastmasters Club
Olivette Aviso DTM was the first District Governor to LEAD D45 to Presidents Distinguished, and she hasn’t slowed down. Last year Olivette served as District Leadership Committee Chair, and Co- Chair of D45’s first Zoom Candidate's Showcase and Corner. Olivette’s mission is to help Toastmasters exceed their goals and develop as Leaders. Olivette was on the team that designed the D45 Trail Blazer pin. Olivette is a rock solid mentor, brilliant resource and top notch encourager. Olivette inspires courage to everyone she meets. She is an outstanding D45 Trail Blazer.
- Angela Chute, DTM, PDD
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District 45 Toastmasters International
The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All Toastmasters International logos, brands, and trademarks, etc., are the property of Toastmasters International
District 45 Toastmasters International