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This page is to share stories and testimonials from our members about their experience with Toastmasters. If you have a story or testimonial to share it can be sent to [email protected]. You can either submit a written story or you can send us a short video.

Cindy Sarvai

Cindy Sarvai

July 06, 20232 min read

Cindy Sarvai

I joined in June 2017. I was drafted by Kelley Demers to come and try out a meeting. This was after I had started my Health Coaching Business True To You - April 17, 2017, where Kelley thought Toastmaster was just what I needed and she was right! The best decision I made was to join Toastmasters! Currently I belong to Millyard Toastmasters and Brunswick Toastmasters clubs. This is not to say that an advanced club is not in my future!

I was Area Director for 2 years - 2020 - 2021 and 2021 to 2022 for Area 20. I would never recommend holding a district position for any less time! By the time you learn the ropes - your year is up. The 2nd year really gives you a chance to excel at everything you have learned and become a better leader!

For my DTM project, I created the Milling Around Toastmasters Newsletter - with educational pieces for our club and information from the District, top-down level to club level, as well as officer roles and responsibilities. It really was an informational as well as an educational newsletter to our group!

One thing I have learned on my journey to DTM - it takes a village! This is nothing that you can accomplish on your own! I had people supporting me and helping me along this journey. People that I couldn't have done this without! From being a sounding board, to filling in where needed for projects such as my Speechcraft project, to giving me a pep talk when things looked bleak – these people were that solid ground I needed to help me complete all the tasks at hand.

Going for my DTM wasn't just something to accomplish, it was a journey! One that I didn't take lightly either! It made me a better person - it helped guide me into leadership to the point I'd never thought possible! it honestly increased my confidence that I knew I had but never really acknowledged or tapped into! it has molded me into a stronger leader, one that is more self-aware and confident than I thought possible!

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District 45 Toastmasters International

The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All Toastmasters International logos, brands, and trademarks, etc., are the property of Toastmasters International

District 45 Toastmasters International