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This page is to share stories and testimonials from our members about their experience with Toastmasters. If you have a story or testimonial to share it can be sent to [email protected]. You can either submit a written story or you can send us a short video.

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Ishan Bajewa

August 25, 20231 min read

Why is it such an important question? Why did I join Toastmasters? My Why is being on a journey of impossible to come out of my comfort zone, to be on a stage in front of a 1000 people to tell great stories.

Being on a stage was always something that I found scary until I delivered my first speech back in 2014. After 7 years of break I was missing being on a stage. I am glad I stumbled upon Schooner Toastmasters. A stage, a mic and a fun audience, I feel like home. Each week I am getting better than who I was yesterday, I am closer to my goal of speaking in front of a 1000 people one day.

Speaking to strangers comes naturally to me. I am able to understand myself better each week I meet with the club and my confidence eventually translates into fantastic conversations with strangers. As I advance in my journey, My Why of being here is beginning to encompass more than public speaking, it’s about having great conversations, telling an engaging story, expressing ideas clearly and forming connections.

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Sharon Joseph

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The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All Toastmasters International logos, brands, and trademarks, etc., are the property of Toastmasters International

District 45 Toastmasters International

The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All Toastmasters International logos, brands, and trademarks, etc., are the property of Toastmasters International

District 45 Toastmasters International